After 1 September 2021, the personal data of all guests using accommodation services in Hungary, as defined by law, must be recorded in the accommodation manager’s software upon arrival, via a document reader, and then transferred to a storage location, the Guest Information Closed Database (VIZA).
Data to be recorded:
- first name and last name
- birth surname and first name
- place of birth
- date of birth
- guest gender
- nationality
- mother’s birth surname and first name (if included in the identification document);
- identity or travel document identification data;
- in the case of a third-country national **, the number of the visa or residence permit, the date, and place of entry
In order to record the data, the guest using the accommodation service must present his / her identifiable identity card, driving license, or travel document to the accommodation provider. In the absence of presentation of the document, the accommodation provider shall refuse the accommodation service. Based on the authorization of the legislation, the accommodation provider is entitled to request the guest’s identity document, and the guest is obliged to present it.
The above provision also applies to children under the age of 18, so please make sure that the children also have the necessary travel document before departure.
Please plan your trip and arrival with the above in mind!
CLVI of 2016 on the state tasks of the development of tourist areas. law;
235/2019 on the implementation of the Act on State Tasks for the Development of Tourist Areas. (X. 15.) Government Decree;
414/2015 on the issuance of identity cards and on the rules for uniform portraiture and signatures.
(XII. 23.) Government Decree.
** third-country national: Annex II to the 2007 Act on the entry and residence of third-country nationals. persons under the law