About Us

Green Stone Apartments Hajdúszoboszló - About Us
Kalin & Alina Hosts / Owners

Who are we?

We are a young couple married since 2013. We have many similarities in our way of being, thinking, aspirations, and the way we work.

We met for the first time at work as colleagues and soon turned out that we have an interesting way to work together and understand each other.
This good relationship later transformed into something more precious than just a co-worker relationship.
We can state that we are extraordinary partners in everything we do since the first day we met.

What we have done and what we do?

We have a rich background as a cruise ship crew. We worked for many years in the photographic and video service field on several cruise lines like Carnival Cruises, Princess Cruises, Costa Cruises and MSC Cruises.
We met and worked together at MSC Cruises.

During the time spent on board of the cruise ships as crew (Kalin 10 years and Alina 8 years), we had an extraordinary opportunity to enrich ourselves both professionally and as a person. In short periods we were able to develop new skills and to travel all around the world.
We had the chance to visit many countries, to compare, to have a taste of local cultures, to learn new foreign languages and so on.

Now, of course, all these great advantages had a price as everything has. We made sacrifices in order to benefit on the other hand.
We were away from home, from our families and friends and every day normal life sometimes for more than 7 months a year.

Why Hajduszoboszlo, how we got there?

In 2009 Kalin had an accident during filming some events on Costa Serena (cruise ship owned by Costa Cruises). During the filming, he fell down and he hit his right shoulder very badly.

Lately, we started to think about how to make a change in our lives to live in a better and healthy environment. To gain back our personal lives, to be able to build a family, and to build better ourselves.

To be constantly away from home makes you feel after a while that you don't belong anywhere. It makes you feel like a tourist at home, turns your vacations in a constant running against the time, to recover all the missed things you couldn't do while you were away.

In 2015 during our vacation, we were looking for a place back home in Hungary, where to spend a few days as a real vacation and to try to relax, to regenerate ourselves spiritually and physically.

Hungary is very famous for wellness tourism. It has a long and rich tradition thanks to its thermal waters all over the country. Starting with Budapest, all across Hungary there are plenty of popular cities with excellent thermal baths and wellness services.

Hajdúszoboszló is one of these popular destinations for wellness.
We had many recommendations from our relatives regarding Hajdúszoboszló and other destinations too. In the end, we choose to visit Hajduszoboszlo.

Did you know?

According to www.szallas.hu (leading Hungarian online booking company) in the first part of 2018 Hajduszoboszlo is the 3rd most preferred wellness destination after Budapest and Héviz.! 

In November the town won the prize as the most popular tourist destination of the year. 

The thermal water is the best here, and the bath complex has a history of more than 90 years. Many people come here for treatments because they suffer from some illness or just to gain some physical and spiritual power with the help of the thermal water. Thanks to its composition, it has the capacity to heal and to recharge your batteries.

During our stay, we had an excellent experience booth regarding accommodation, the atmosphere in the town, and thermal bathing. We fell in love with this place.

All most instantly we decided to buy a house and to move to Hajduszoboszlo.
We arrived for a vacation in September and in November we bought the house.

The good news was that only after a few weeks, we realized that Kalin doesn't have anymore that bad pain in his shoulder thanks to the thermal water. He was suffering since 2009.

When we took the decision, we knew that we were crazy in the eyes of some, but we know as well that without some kind level of craziness too many achievements cannot be done in life.

The house wasn't in very good shape. After the purchase, we started to renovate it. In quite a high percentage we made ourselves the most of the tasks. However, we had some help from professionals too.

In autumn 2017 we finished the renovations and now is called Green Stone Apartments.

Which are our goals?

During our work onboard sometimes directly but also indirectly we learned a lot about hospitality. Somehow we started to like it. We decided to build our own hospitality service and to welcome our guests in the best way we can.
We like to change and transform things into better. With this in mind, we made Green Stone Apartments a better place than it was before.

However, this location already had and has something special. An abundance of positive energy which makes you feel better, think better, sleep better.

If you need silence to reflect, relax, stimulate your creativity, or even to have a positive environment for your family and children, Green Stone Apartments is really the place where time must be spent.

All that abundance of positive energy combined with the stay in the thermal water results in a flow of many brilliant ideas of any kind!
This our own experience and the experience of our relatives and friends and others who visited us and spent their vacation with us.

Finally, we have a few questions for you.

Are you among those persons who are seeking to recharge their battery?

Do you want to benefit from the excellent thermal waters healing and purifying capacity?

Or just you would like to have some great time in the family
in a nice relaxed and positive environment?

If your answers are yes, we are welcoming you to book an apartment at Green Stone Apartments and we do our best to have an amazing and memorable vacation.

Alina and Kalin
The "Green Stone Apartments" Team

"We will be more successful in all our endeavors if we can let go of the habit of running all the time, and take little pauses to relax and re-center ourselves. And we’ll also have a lot more joy in living."

Thich Nhat Hanh

Many thanks to all the persons who helped us in a way or other to achieve our goal.

Petrovics Kriszitán, Gombos Lackó, Golya Csaba, Károlyi Attila, Tompa Attila, Sóvágó Katalin, Benedek Csaba, Benedek Zoltán, Burján Magdolna, Fegyverneki Bence and all those persons who may not see their names listed.

Special thanks to Pop Levente and Alex Isac for their contribution in developing this website.